Friday, 22 August 2014

Let the sketching ideas begin

So, ive got to start jotting down my idea's on how i want the basic shape of this build to look. I am not at all handy with photoshop or the like but it is easier to use than a pencil and paper..
O.K. so my plan to get the basic proportions looking right is to work with the 1,168 golden number or whatever folk call it,
Im keeping the original tank so all my other sizes come from that ( Im working in inches here) tank size is 28 inch / 1.168=23.97 to give me the overall seat length, Tank height is 9 inch /1.168= 7.70 to give the seat hump height ( i hope this is making some sort of sense cos im rubbish at sums)

maybe the pics will explain it better....

I am doing this here thing arse from elbow

Should have started this here blog with pictures of the Bandit on the day I picked it up..rectification coming up..tootsweet..

oh and yeah, thanks to Kenny for supplying me with this...

Thursday, 21 August 2014

right then, ding ding for round 2..

So, I've stripped the plugs out, cleaned and re-gapped them and while I've now got her firing on all 4 cyls she still wont idle without some choke, next job is to remove the airfilter and either clean it or replace it and hopefully then I can get this monkey to idle without the choke so I can look at the air/fuel mix and a carb balance..

so it begins..

well, thought the best thing to do was fire this monkey up and see whats is indeed what, as you can here from this, it sounds like I have got myself a right old bag of spanners. Good bit of work to do just to get it running right, btw, I dont know for sure just how long this bike has stood, possibly 4 or more years without being fired up..